About Us

Customized Paintings Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

Paintings by Taran is intended on selling and promoting different art formats like canvas, digital, watercolor painting, commission paintings, etc. In our widespread art portfolio which are being used by all sections of society at their home, workplace, etc for decoration. Our art portfolios are also great and memorable gifts helping memorize the precious moments of life.

We are the sister concerns of Designprotechs, an organization of young, ambitious, and energized Management Consultants, Graphic Designers & IT experts. They help to enable businesses and professionals to focus on their uniform goals. This will result in achieving ambitious results and maintaining a high bar of quality.

Other than selling and promoting a variety of arts our artists also take classes to teach, coach, and guide the interested section of the society toward art. We are a firm believer in quality delivery leading to successful projects without compromising on values and ethics. In addition, we also, concern about respect & professionalism for the organization and its clients.